Presenting Leadership for Social Justice
Integrated Service Delivery
About this multimedia case

What is ISD?

Franklin School

Why was ISD made?

How was ISD built?

What happened as a result of ISD?

How would it work in my school?

Home > How was it built? > What information did Franklin use?

What information was used?

The component parts of ISD were grounded in research and tested in practice. Deb Hoffman drew on several sources to design ISD.

University Classes

Principal Hoffman's classes in the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Wisconsin-Madison showed the value of comprehensive school reform and school change. In particular, she noted the importance of Allan Odden's course in school finance, Colleen Capper's course in student services and diversity, and Kent Peterson's class on the Principalship. From her coursework, Deb learned that:

  • Restructuring support staff would allow her to reduce class size. Staff associated with the remedial reading, special education, and bilingual education could be reallocated for regular classroom duties.

  • Specialist teachers could be moved from pullout programs into either regular education teaching positions in the school or used as specialists to support students in the classroom, thus reducing the student/teacher ratio.

  • These changes would help her to restructure service delivery only if she would work to establish a collaborative culture to help community members own the new practices.

Previous Models

The design of ISD includes aspects of many successful school reform programs, including New American Schools Designs including: Success for All, Accelerated Schools, ATLAS, America's Choice Design Network, and Roots & Wings. Components of these models demonstrate how restructuring school resources can lead to improved learning for all students.

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What were the obstacles?