Presenting Leadership for Social Justice
Integrated Service Delivery
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What is ISD?

Franklin School

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Home > what is ISD? > How does ISD compare to traditional systems?

How does ISD compare to traditional systems?


Traditional Service Delivery


Integrated Service Delivery


Students manage multiple curricula, leading to fragmented learning.


One primary curriculum coordinates for all students.

Students with identified needs split their day between general education environments and pullout.


All students spend the majority of day in general classroom, with appropriate learning expectations, materials, and support.

Students receiving special services perceive themselves as marginalized, less capable, and in need of help


All students perceive themselves as equal members of the larger group


Teachers do not perceive students labeled with special need as equal members of their classroom.

Special need students belong to the special need teachers.


Teachers take ownership of the learning of all students in the classrooms.

Students receive support in class, from varied adults and peers through flexible grouping and various instructional strategies.


Teachers feel isolated and unclear about what teachers are doing in other classroom


Teachers collaborate and learn from each other. They feel connected and are supporting on another in teaching and learning all children


All content above is adapted from Nancy Caldwell-Lorpela, Peg Keeler, and Joy Larson. DPI Collaborative School Reform (2001)
What were goals of Integrated Service Delivery?