Presenting Leadership for Social Justice
Integrated Service Delivery
About this multimedia case

What is ISD?

Franklin School

Why was ISD made?

How was ISD built?

What happened as a result of ISD?

How would it work in my school?


Representing Leadership for Social Justice:
The Case of Franklin School
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Schools are always faced with the challenge of improving learning for children who traditionally struggle. Special Education, Title 1 and English Language Learner programs have helped countless children in schools across the country.

But these programs presented problems of their own. Their "pullout" service delivery model ended up segregated the students who most needed peer relationships and support of the classroom teacher.


As you work through the case, think about these questions...

How did Principal Hoffman realize her vision for ISD?

How did Principal Hoffman integrate the school's financial, personnel, professional development and community resources into ISD?

Why were student and teacher classroom assignment the core of ISD?

How was ISD's success measured?

Would ISD work in your school?



This case presents the story of an elementary school leader with the vision, courage, and practical knowledge to rethink traditional service delivery.  

Principal Deb Hoffman worked with her staff to develop
an Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) approach that drew together teachers, specialists, parents and staff in a shared vision for supporting student who traditionally struggle.

The case traces Principal Hoffman's vision for ISD; her ideas for reform; the resources she was able to access; and the obstacles she faced along the way.

Deb's story is not perfect practice, rather her case tells the story of how real reform works in a real context.


We hope you enjoy the case - if you are interested in giving us feedback, please write to the primary author at

What is Integrated Service Delivery?