Presenting Leadership for Social Justice
Integrated Service Delivery
About this multimedia case

What is ISD?

Franklin School

Why was ISD made?

How was ISD built?

What happened as a result of ISD?

How would it work in my school?

Home > How was ISD built?> What was the strategy for building ISD?> How did the leader communicate the need for ISD to the community?

How did the leader communicate the need for ISD to the community?

To Franklin Staff and Parents

In the 1997-98 Strategic Planning Process, the staff and parents were asked to identify targeted areas for school improvement. Through many discussions and meetings, they prioritized areas to focus on in the upcoming years and the number one response was to reduce class size.

At that time there were twenty classrooms that each held approximately twenty-four students. Within this goal was to build increased community, improve communications and reduce pullout programs to better serve all children. Through this process, reduction of class size and the elimination of pullout programs were discussed as the most effective ways to improve school environment.

To get support from parents Principal Hoffman organized many open forums in the Hmong community called Bayview. Nahbee Her, the Hmong Bilingual Specialist, gathered the population together and translated information from the parents to the principal to communicate the process of ISD.

To District

To gain an approval of a Title I waiver


What resources were used?